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This is the F.A.Q. of this site. Although the flow of the site is self-explanatery, but I am giving clarifications if someone might have requirement.

A  >>  There are 3 ways you can join in in the conversations going on in the discourse -

(A.1.)  Comment on a post where the comment facility is available. The comment facility is available in all pages of the front-end which are of multiple-post format & some of single passage. You can get a reply from me on that.

(A.2.)  You may post a remark on the scrapwall. It is the central scrapboard of the system, where you can post irrespective of any page or post.

(A.3.)  You can write a private message to me through the "One to one messages with admin" forum, which isn't visible to any one else.

 >>  Once you join in, you will get notifications of all the types of additions made by me in the app as well as of those of my replies to you.

 >>  You can choose which things you want to receive notifications for.

 >>  The operations here are subject to common laws of public conduct & social networking & they will apply to the extent of being punitive.

 >>  You have all the facilities in your account which you have in any normal chatting app like Saved messages, My comments, Notification settings, Activity log & Edit profile.

 >>  You have an activity log of your activities which records all the info of your history in the app & is searchable, means you can search the entries of the log.

 >>  The 1st position securer of every quiz will be declared the top winner of the quiz, & will be sent a prize by me.

 >>  You are requested to remain careful in your messages, & share only true facts & healthy opinions.

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